Stay in touch with SHOES FROM MEXICO

Cámara de la Industria del Calzado del Estado de Guanajuato
Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos No. 3401 Ote.
Fracc. Julián de Obregón C.P. 37290
(+52) 477 152 90 61



August 22 - August 25, 2023
Poliforum León


New worlds

SAPICA is a footwear and leather goods fair held in the city of Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. The fair is held twice a year, in March and August, and is considered one of the most important exhibitions of the footwear industry in Latin America. SAPICA's history dates back to the 1970s, when a group of entrepreneurs in the footwear sector decided to create a space for the promotion and sale of their products. At that time, the fair was called "Expo León" and was held in a much smaller space than it is today. Over time, the fair has become consolidated as an event of great relevance for the footwear industry in Mexico and Latin America. Currently, SAPICA has the participation of hundreds of national and international companies from the footwear and leather sector, and receives thousands of visitors each edition. In addition to being a space for the exhibition and sale of products, SAPICA is also a meeting place for professionals in the sector, where conferences, workshops and other activities related to the footwear and leather industry are held. In short, SAPICA is an event that has evolved over the years, becoming a footwear and leather goods fair of great importance in Mexico and Latin America, and a place of reference for professionals in the sector. One of the most important events in the footwear industry is SAPICA March 2023 Guanajuato, which strengthens the local economy by boosting the production chain. SAPICA is an event organized by the Chamber of the Footwear Industry of the state of Guanajuato. An essential fact you should know in order to attend this leather and footwear event is that you must be a wholesaler.